Ruhnu family names

Ruhnu house marks or signs

Historically the farm’s name was used as an additional name or a surname on Ruhnu, which was before the first name (e.g. Kors Tomas or Benas (Bens) Maria). However, the farms had got their names by their owners, not by the name of the place. Thus, the surname tradition of Ruhnu free peasants is actually very old and found use already in the 17th century. In addition to the name, the farm had also a house mark, which was also used as a signature and registration number. When the farm was divided, the new farm was named after the cardinal points, for instance, East-Bulders and West-Bulders. The divided farm got also a new house mark and a number. In the 1830s, the government asked the Estonians and Swedes to take themselves surnames within the given deadline. Ruhnu peasants got their surnames from the farm names. The names were rearranged and the farm name was put after the first names, so for example Pass Mart was named Martin Pass. According to Ruhnu’s tradition the surname was still related to the place and did not become strictly hereditable. In case a boy was adopted or a young man got married to a farmer’s daughter, and another farm is acquired, the name was changed. For example, Elias Bens got Elias Pass as his new name (for Ruhnu people Pass Elias), because he married to the farm of Pass. Bisa Elias, who went to live to the family of Ulas was named Ulas Elias aka Elias Ulas. Ruhnu habitants got their real surnames not before 1927.

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Further reading

  • C. Russwurm. Eibofolke oder die Schweden an den Küsten Ehstlands und auf Runö I–II. Reval, 1855

Created in 2013