Ruhnu iron towers

During the Soviet times, five iron towers have been established on Ruhnu island to check and configure the appliances of submarines. Four of them are located in the north side of the island, one is located in the east side. The metal carcase of the towers was set on a concrete base. The height of the towers is around 10 metres, Austerkeld tower’s height is around 20 metres. The submarines from Liepaja Naval Base, where the 14th Submarine Squadron of the USSR's Baltic Fleet was stationed, came to check their appliances here. According to Dimitri Riisenberg, every summer some ghost (submarine) stayed on the beach, it is believed that one submarine has sunk near Ruhnu. In 2011 a submarine wreck was found in the Baltic Sea near the island of Ruhnu. According to a maritime archaeologist Vello Mäss the wreck is a Soviet Shuka-class submarine that was sunk in 1958 for to train military divers.

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Created in 2013