Ruhnu conservation area

Ruhnu conservation area is located as a circle on Ruhnu island and in the coastal sea northwest of the island; area of 848.7 hectares of which water consists 89.7 hectares.

Established for the habitation protection of wide shallow gulfs, small islands and islets, coastal meadows, proislets, white islets aka moving coastal islets, grey islets aka attached coastal islets, afforested islets, junipers, dry meadows with calcareous soil, sandstone downs, old broad-leaved forests, weed-rich spruce wood, swamping and swamp greenwoods as well as transitional swamp and swamp forests. But also for the habitation protection of dunlin (Calidris alpina schinzii), honey buzzard, sparrow hawk, buzzard, corncrake and ringed plover.

Primeval nature´s Flisbacka precipice is part of the Ruhnu conservation area.

Created in 2013