Ruhnu weather and hydrology station

Ruhnu weather and hydrology station is located in Ruhnu rural municipality in Saare County; its geographical coordinates are 57°47'00'' north latitude and 23°15'32'' east longitude. The altitude of the observation deck is 2 m. Automatic standard observations at the station take place 8 times a day and manual ones twice a day (at 06am and 06pm). 13 components of weather are observed: air temperature, ground temperature, minimum air temperature 2 cm above ground level, humidity, air pressure and  air pressure change trends in the last 3 hours, rainfall, wind direction and speed, quantity and types of clouds, height of clouds, visibility, meteors, state of the ground and snow levels on the observation deck.

The station also carries out marine observations; the geographical coordinates of the observation point are 57°48'00'' north latitude and 23°15'32'' east longitude. Observations are carried out twice a day, at 06am and 12pm. The elements measured and observed are water temperature, waves, visibility to the sea and ice conditions.

Meteorological observations on Ruhnu started in 1906. One Estonian climatic record has been registered on Ruhnu – 2nd November 1969 wind gust record of 48 m/s.

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Created in 2014