Ruhnu landmarks

Ruhnu landmarks. The majority of the preserved landmarks on Ruhnu island originate from 1930 when the land reform was carried out and the land until then mainly used by communal was divided between farms into property. Each farm got its own forest, field, pastureland and hayfield and a piece of the basis of the village farms. A few earlier landmarks have also preserved. A lot of landmarks located in the village together with the stone hedges were taken for the construction of the port pier in 1960s by the kolkhozniks of the collective fishing farm Beacon of Communism. A lot of stones have disappeared during the land- improvement, some have during the years sunk into the ground, and some have not yet been discovered from the brush.

The markers on the Ruhnu island´s landmarks are interesting and different – from a simple dash to a crutch cross. One arrow-shaped marked landmark is also known. A lot of landmarks are crutch cross stones, where a crutch cross marked the absence of the border, whereas a usual line marked the direction of the border. 6 landmarks have been recorded in Holma beach. The landmarks were installed on a boundary mark.

Created in 2013