Limo harbour place

Limo harbour places, aka landing places were located in the southeast part of Ruhnu on Limo beach. Two long landing places stacked of erratic are located largely under the water and reach far to the sea. The harbour’s mole stones partially still show. A brick-paved road begins about 80 metres to the west of the port, which was probably built when the construction of the lighthouse began. The road is in part buried under the sand. The second landing place was presumably located 140 metres to the south of the present place.

Ruhnu lacked of a specific landing place for ships. Depending on the winds, the ships landed on the calm part of the island. The only wooden dock was built on Limo beach, but even there bigger sailing ships and steamships were forced to lie off the land. Passengers and goods were brought to the beach with Ruhnu peoples’ rowboats.

At the Limo harbour

Fishing boats on Limo beach

Sailboat on Limo beach

Created in 2013